Whether it’s through watching documentaries on Netflix, listening to ebooks, reading autobiographies, or simply chatting with friends, there’s a lot you can learn from other people’s life stories.
Okay so it may sound like gossiping (I’m writing this after talking to a friend who said her other set of friends are mistresses), but when you remove the judgment and realise that other people are just trying to live their lives the best way they know how, you understand that everyone’s story is different. In a way, we’re all just running our own race.
And that you don’t always know the whole truth. And that you should also make the most of what you have in your own life.
Too often, when left to our own thoughts, we think the worst in our situation — our disappointments, that we are falling way behind, that we’re too overworked and taken advantage of, or that we’re so powerless to make a difference.
But when you hear of a totally different lifestyle that has its own sets of challenges, it makes you think: they got through that, surely I can find my way too. This broadening, or at least shift in perspective, can be so empowering and encouraging. It makes you realise that the best thing you can do is to root down and own the challenges in your life.
And this is why I’m truly grateful for friends who take the time to make sure we have these monthly meetups. Be it over coffee, massage, Mani-Pedi sessions, breakfasts, or yoga classes — it doesn’t matter what the supposed activity may be.
Friendships enrich our lives in more ways than we may realise.
So I do hope you reach out to a friend today and make an effort to chat with them even about the most random of things. You never know what positive ideas may come of it.
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