As life often does, it led me on an unexpected path one fateful day when I stumbled upon a book entitled Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life.
Written by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles, it features their journey into the heart of a Japanese village known as one of the world’s remarkable Blue Zones—a place where an unusually high percentage of residents live to be 100 years old.
Through heartfelt interviews and deep conversations, they unravelled the secrets behind the remarkable longevity and happiness of these extraordinary individuals. Their findings gave birth to a profound revelation: Ikigai.
The authors take you on a voyage into the essence of their lives—their food, their movement (which includes this popular exercise), their work, their sense of community, and their well-guarded secret—their personal ikigai.
From the moment I delved into its pages, I was captivated by the wisdom and profound insights it offered. The essence of Ikigai, the Japanese concept that intertwines passion, mission, vocation, and the pursuit of happiness, resonated deeply within me.
Inspired by the profound impact this book had on my own perspective, I felt an overwhelming urge to share its life-affirming message with those who are dear to me. I believed that they, too, deserved to embark on this journey of self-discovery and find their own Ikigai. I just know that they would benefit from the message of this book, so for the better part of last year, this has been a go-to gift to dear friends and family.
What is Ikigai?
Ikigai (pronounced ee-kee-guy) is a Japanese concept referring to something that gives a person a sense of purpose, a reason for living.
It’s a beautiful philosophy(生き甲斐, lit. ’a reason for being’) that combines passion, mission, vocation, and the pursuit of happiness. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for intersect.
Essentially, it’s the art of living with purpose and finding deep satisfaction in everything you do.
The Four Pillars of Ikigai

Discovering activities that bring you pure joy and ignite a fire within your soul. What hobbies or interests make your heart sing? Embrace them fully!
Identifying what truly matters to you, the things you deeply care about. What values do you hold dear? How can you contribute positively to the world?
Recognizing your unique skills, talents, and strengths. What are you naturally good at? How can you utilise your abilities to make a meaningful impact?
Finding ways to align your passion, mission, and vocation with the practical aspect of making a living. How can you create a career that brings you both financial stability and fulfilment?
Why is Cultivating a Sense of Purpose Important
If you have recently felt lost or done some soul-searching about what matters most in life and what makes you feel most fulfilled, rest assured that you are not alone.
As recent events have more and more people rethinking their priorities, the search for that sense of purpose has clearly been more crucial than ever.
Clearly, having a clear sense of purpose provides us with a powerful source of happiness and motivation. When we have a purpose, we are driven to take action, set goals, and persevere through challenges. It fuels our determination and pushes us forward, even when faced with obstacles.
Furthermore, having a clear purpose allows us to set meaningful priorities and make decisions aligned with what truly matters to us. It helps us filter out distractions, focus on what is important (rather than what is urgent), and make choices that are in line with our values and long-term goals.
Cultivating Ikigai in Everyday Life
Cultivating a sense of purpose is a personal and ongoing journey. Here are some steps you can take to nurture and cultivate a sense of purpose in your life:
Explore Your Passions
Carve out time for activities that make your heart soar. Whether it’s painting, dancing, cooking, or writing, engage in what brings you joy regularly.
Another way to explore this is to take a moment to consider what is it that you are most curious about. Embracing a mindset of continuous learning can ignite fresh ideas and foster personal growth and development. If you find that your enthusiasm for a hobby or activity you once found captivating has diminished, consider it an opportunity to explore something new.
Align with Your Values
Reflect on what truly matters to you. Take small steps towards living a life that aligns with your core values, whether it’s practising kindness, promoting sustainability, or supporting a cause you care about.
Leverage Your Strengths
Recognize and embrace your unique talents and strengths. Find ways to reconnect with your inner strength and seek opportunities where you can utilise them and make a meaningful impact, both personally and professionally.
Embrace Growth
Embrace a growth mindset and be open to learning and evolving. Discover new skills, challenge yourself, and step outside of your comfort zone. Even if your past has been filled with mistakes, take that first step to let go and trust the process. Remember: growth fuels motivation!
Finding Ikigai in Self-Care
Self-care is a vital part of the Ikigai journey. Nurturing yourself holistically allows you to show up fully in every aspect of life. Prioritise self-care activities that resonate with your passions and values, whether it’s meditation, journaling, yoga, spending time in nature, or even watching your favourite shows. Remember, caring for yourself is not selfish; it’s an act of self-love that propels you closer to your Ikigai.
Find Your Ikigai
As we wrap up our exploration of Ikigai, remember that your journey towards finding motivation and joy is unique to you. Embrace the process, take on a beginner’s mindset, celebrate small victories, and be gentle with yourself along the way. Find beauty even in the imperfections and in the transient.
With Ikigai as your guiding light, you’ll discover that even the simplest of daily tasks can become meaningful and bring immense satisfaction.
If you’d like to know more about yourself, you may want to look into your own Human Design too. This could shine more light into how you view and interact with yourself and the world around you.
So, my dear friend, let your Ikigai shine brightly and illuminate your path to a life filled with purpose, fulfilment, and boundless motivation. You deserve it!
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